
2020 Presidential Election True Dollar Journal Forecast. Donald Trump Wins. Biden Runs Against the Wrong Opponent and Loses.

With ten days away until the Election Day, 2020, more than enough polling data has come forth to forecast a President Trump re-election on November 3, 2020.

National Polls are 100% B.S.

Back in 2016, I shocked the world by telling the world that national polls would be wrong (see my work: WHY EVERY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION POLL FOR 2016 YOU SHALL SEE OR HEAR WILL BE WRONG). I did so again in 2020 (see my work: Well It is Election Time, Again, and Fake News USA Today Is Touting an Unscientific National Poll Claiming Trump is Behind, Again. When Will They Ever Learn?)

As a longtime data analytics professional with an graduate-level academic background in public opinion polling, I know that national polls for US presidential elections are unscientific and thus no results can be projected to the universe of voters.

State Polls Suffer from Serious Errors

Most do not realize that state polls suffer from significant flaws if taken at face value, as presented. Polling firms get it wrong because they fail to pull from a random sample of likely voters from the way populations are distributed in respective states. In short, pollsters take too much sample from mega urban areas and ignore polling residents in rural and suburban areas. 

When pollsters do this, they merely are surveying urban voters and particularly, registered Democrats. A study of cities with populations of 75,000 or more will show that all are mostly occupied by voters registered as Democrats.

Yet, many states, the suburban / rural population taken in total is a significant percentage of total population.

So while you can take state polls to mean how voters in bigger cities will vote, you can not trust those results for statewide voting. 

Joe Biden's True Opponent for 2020

Joe Biden has run an anti-Trump campaign. In fact, the Dems entire strategy since 2016 has been one labeled as hashtag The Resistance. Thus Joe has been focused on being the anti-Trump rather than focusing on what he should.

In the USA, Dem voters outnumber GOPher voters, Thirty-percent of registered voters are registered as Dems while about twenty-four percent are registered as Republicans.

The key to winning for Biden is to increase Dem turnout in 2020 over Hillary's pitiful performance in 2016. In the main, Hillary lost because many Dems did not want her and opted to stay home. Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate (see my work: THE BIG LIE THAT WILL NOT DIE: THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. HILLARY CLINTON WAS A HORRIBLE CANDIDATE. THE NUMBERS DO NOT LIE.)

The 2016 True Dollar Journal Forecast Model Predicted the Trump Victory

In 2016, I had the luxury of voting incidence data from primaries when both candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump were not incumbents. That meant, likely, expressed voter incidence in the primaries would be the best source of data to forecast a winner.

The True Dollar Journal Forecast for 2020

So how did I generate this map? 

The model assumes pollsters almost exclusively survey urban voters. The model assumes the 2020 rural vote will be the same as the 2016 rural vote.

So I break out the vote totals in states as 75,000 or less as non-urban (which I call rural for easier means) and 75001 and up as urban. Then I calculate an average of the latest state polls published at Real Clear Politics over the last several months. Using the average for each state, I apply the percentages for Trump and Biden to the 2016  urban vote tally for each state.

In summary, 

  1. Rural people will vote in 2020 the same as in 2016
  2. The 2020 state polls are really urban polls for the respective states
  3. The percentages from the 2020 state polls apply to the 2016 urban votes cast 

If I am right that pollsters are randomly grabbing respondents mostly, if not exclusively from urban areas, an increase of urban voters for President Trump, even though he loses by the polls, actually is a win for President Trump when comparing Biden's take relative to Hillary's 2016 take.

An increase in urban votes for President Trump might suggest this election will be the one where blacks shock the USA by not supporting the Dem candidate almost exclusively.

Keep in mind, President Trump is not facing a major third party drain as he did in 2016 with Gary Johnson in the race.


1. Since Nebraska splits electors, the data needs to be updated to reflect that, hence, the total electoral college tally as it stands is short 3 electoral votes. Time permitting, this will be fixed before election day.
2. For some states, no polls exist. An assumption is made to assign (100%) to one of the candidates. Most often, this is to Joe Biden.

Surprising Results

The closest states in 2020 will be Arizona, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Virginia and Florida. As well, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Colorado will be fairly close.

Calling Oregon close is gutsy and if right, show something spectacular about this model.  Other surprises from the model have President Trump winning Minnesota and Nevada.

The closeness of the race in New Mexico might surprise some, but it fails to surprise me. 

I know of no one on the Internet nor any professional pundit who forecasts vote counts as I have done here. Let November 3, 2020, come and see who is right. 


25-October-2020: I ran the model with vote data being partitioned at less than 50,000 and 50,001 and greater. Also, formula failed copying errors were caught that resulted in under counts for President Trump. 

Also, I updated the map and added the table under the heading Surprising Results.

28-October-2020: You can check out daily updates right here on the True Dollar Journal: 2020 USA Presidential Election Forecast.

State Polling Done Right

In an accurate survey for any state, a pollster would need to create uniform population groups and then take at random from each group and complete an equal number of questionnaires for each group to get the total completed questionnaire counts. For a margin of error of plus or minus 5% at the 95th confidence level, that means 376 completed questionnaires.

Polling firms do not do this because the costs incurred to get hold of rural and suburban voters is much higher. 

Having worked in this business of public opinion polling as a director both for a marketing research firm and for a newspaper, I can tell you that getting the questionnaires done by deadline becomes the goal even knowing that randomness rules need to be broken. Many firms cheat their clients. When the deadline presses, much like fishing, many simply go to where respondents are jumping and the task to complete questionnaires is easiest.

But doing so borks the data. In short, for many polls, you can not trust the results as anything more than opinions, which can not get projected to the universe of voters.

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