
Why President Trump is the Last Republican Party President, Ever. Living is About to Start Worsening and Get Worse Every Year After Trump. Here is Why.

The starting state of a USA presidential election in the early twenty-first century has looked like this (Map 1: 227 to 188) . The Dem candidate starts with a huge lead.

 And this is what it will look like by 2024 going forward (Map 2: 350 to 188). Likely, you will never see another Republican Party candidate elected president going forward in your lifetime. No one will, likely.

Nearly 40 years of unfettered immigration, fueled by the idiot virtue-signaling Reagan (see: RED-PILLING YOU OVER LIBERAL RONALD REAGAN. FREE YOUR MIND) and masterminded going forward from that by Bush Senior, of likely nearly 4 million a year has led to the situation in which we are today. 

 The USA is over because it is not the USA anymore. People do not assimilate because they do not see being like an American as an ideal. They see only the USA as a vehicle for self-enrichment. And they use every means possible from illegal labor to welfare for kiddies even when filing as illegal aliens. 

Bill of Rights freedom, free speech and unfettered gun ownership, bah! That does not matter to foreigners. More spending power does. They are here to go from $500 a year in their dirt world country to $35,000 a year in our U.S. of A.

Never will there be a president from the Republican Party ever again, not unless the Republican party goes all in as the neo-globalism party with open borders, welcoming welfare and perhaps even universal basic income. 

It will not matter because the Dems, as soon as they regain the House and the Senate combined, and they will eventually, will institute all of those things by law. Now do you see how the USA is over? I hope you enjoyed the Trump years, because it is over after he is gone. The last man who was holding up the forthcoming tsunami of brutal social democracy change looks like he will be gone in late January 2021 unless things change. 

Without Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and either Nevada or Arizona—that is a tall order to fill this week—Joke Biden, the child-groping pedo-ish Joe Biden, the guy with serious dementia, the guy with an illegal vice-president running mate (see: KAMALA HARRIS IS THE LATEST ILLEGAL CANDIDATE FOR THE USA PRESIDENCY AND THE FIRST ONE FOR 2020), will be the President of the United States.

Buckle up Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye forever. 

You better start thinking about relocation to where you can grow food for much of the year maybe with an underground pit-style (Walipini) greenhouse and where you can generate your own electricity via a full-time stream or adequate wind or solar, because the "green economy" mandates in the coming years means turning the USA into a Third World country with respect to electricity. 

Prices for most everything will rise substantially as Congress borrows heavily to give ever more free stuff to a rapidly swelling population of low IQ / no skill foreigners. Food prices have been historically cheap relative to average wage over the last twenty years, but that era will come to an end rather suddenly.

So basics like food and electricity will rise because the buying power of the dollar truly is going to plunge worse. There will be fewer firms too because transport fuel costs will rise tremendously. Fewer firms means less supply and higher prices because winning bidders will bid up prices to secure fewer products. There are always some who have more spending power than you.

You might want to start stockpiling power tools, spare parts, scrap metal, wood, and much more because once product prices start to rise, most of you will be priced out of things you could have bought as a younger woman or younger man in the early 21st century or late 20th century.

The True Dollar Journal has relocation guides. You ought to start looking at those. The guides on the TDJ are unique. You will not find the data of the TDJ guides anywhere else on the Internet.

With Congressional mandates and presidential actions, it is not going to matter much in what state you live from the perspective of having a Dem governor or GOPher governor. 

What will matter is what kind of locale you are located to help in self-sufficiency. Also, you should consider living with like-minded people as well genetically-alike people.

The famous, adroit statesmen Lee Kwan Yew said it best from experience creating and running Singapore:

"In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion."

You might find some thoughts interesting from these works of mine, the first written a year after President Trump was elected in 2016 and the second written in 2015, a year before President Trump was elected.

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