Simon seems capable of only seeing a surface reflection. Yet, it is the deep waters underneath that hold truth.
What is in the deep waters? The USA continues to rot and devolve from limited government republicanism toward maximal government social democracy.
The haters are those fighting for social democracy and the destruction of limited government republicanism. Said another way, they are for Europeanism and oppose Americanism. Said yet another way, they are against absolute property (the right of ownership).
So who are the haters?
The haters are every organized faction coordinated by the Democratic Party: New World Africans, feminists, homoqueers, mestizos, Jews, Mohammadans, atheists, Chinamen, socialists and communists.
Who do they hate?
The coalition of haters stick together only because of their perceived common enemy, the white male, more so the white Anglo-Saxon male, even moreso the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant male.For more on their great enemy, see my work AHAB MOBY DICK RACISM. WHAT THE SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT IS ALL ABOUT — HUNTING THE GREAT WHITE MALE.
What do they hate?
They hate that none of their kind had anything to do with the creation of Modern Civilization (ruling organization based on constitutional governance, individual rights, representative democracy; see: PROTESTANT INDIVIDUALISM GAVE RISE TO MODERN CIVILIZATION), all of which flowed from Anglo-Protestant ethics.
The hate the culture, the codified laws and especially the mores (the codes of conduct) that arose from Anglo-Protestant ethics — propriety, modesty, chastity, charity, honesty, forthrightness, industriousness, fortitude.
They hate lex naturalis and the natural outcomes that flow from natural law — wealth and status flows to individuals from their effort, tenacity and trained intellects — which means white males tend to have the edge, especially those who adhere to Anglo-Protestant ethics, whether being ethnically Anglo-Americans or having adopted the ethics of Anglo-Protestants.
They are rebellious against nature and natural law. They see their attainment of happiness, that which flows from good (health, wealth, length of days), being thwarted by the competitive reality of natural law. They see that as injustice and hence evil.
Rather, they want a system of compulsion (law and enforcement), which circumvents natural law. They want positive law. They want sanction to enforce positive right, acts to overcome natural right and decreed to be right, even when naturally false.
They want positive law and sanction from the enforcer (government) to hobble the Anglo-Saxon Protestant white male and his natural advantages under a system of Anglo-Protestant ethics of limited governance while giving themselves unearned advantages through redistribution.
It is a Civil War
We have been living through a civil war, albeit not a shooting one. This current civil war began in the 20th century. It has been waged by those who have various tribal names — leftists, progressives.One side fights for social democracy. The other side, which only recently has been awakening to the reality of the civil war, fights for self-preservation and to preserve the ways of their ancestors, limited governance republicanism.
As stated in my work THE PERPETUAL CIVIL WAR: BATTLEFIELD PHILADELPHIA STARBUCKS AND CULTURAL MARXISTS, all wars are for property, which is the right of ownership in chattel, works, future promises and never what is owned.