
Best States During Covid-19 Government Lockdowns and Most Resilient States

Politicians engaged in the most egregious overreach by locking down their states over a disease that perhaps does not exist—using PCR tests, no excess deaths (see: The Covid-19 Big Lie Scam of 2020. The CDC Says Covid-19 Has Not Killed Anyone. Official CDC Data and the True Dollar Journal Exposes the Covid-19 Hoax). A few governors including Newsome in California violated the rights of millions of residents guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights with respect to no laws, which covers regulations, orders and the like, interfering with religious practice. 

The unemployment situation in the USA for 2019 looked good. The rate was merely 3.7%. Hawaii had a low rate of 2.5% 

The Covid-19 Years, the Lockdown Years

Then in 2020, politicians and television fear porn news panicked Americans. Abusing offices, politicians of the various states locked down their citizens. Citizens, soaked in fear, complied easily. 

The unemployment rate in Hawaii rose an eye-popping  254%. The unemployment rate of another tourist state, Nevada, shot up 159%

Yet, some states remained strong through the Covid-19 years of 2020 and 2021. Well-designed states like Nebraska, South Dakota and Utah saw their unemployment rates remain under 4% with modest increases from their 2019 rates. 

The Resilient States

Here we are in quarter one of 2022. Much of Covid-19 decrees have been lifted in most every state. 

Some states have faired well. Yet, in other states, unemployment is worse now than in 2019. It appears that bad executive decisions by governors being supported by their legislators have hampered severely the economies of these states.

States like Nebraska and Utah, which faired extremely well during lockdowns are among the top states doing well in the early part of 2022. 

The states with the best bounce back are Indiana, Arizona and Nebraska. The unemployment rate in Arizona now at 3.7% is better than it was in 2019 (4.9%).

It fails to surprise that Democratic Party controlled states like Hawaii, California, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut continue to do poorly as these states did poorly during the lockdowns. 

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