The National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) of the The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the United States Congress produces what is known as the State and National Provisional Counts (SNPC) as part of their Vital Statistics Rapid Release (VSRR) program. Specifically, the SNPC has this report: Monthly and 12 Month-ending Number of Live Births, Deaths and Infant Deaths Report.
While this report does not provide deaths counts by causality, it does provide official death counts by month.
That data for 2020 exists only for Q1. Here is an analysis comparing Q1 2020 to Q1 2019, a year without Covid-19 in the USA having been claimed to have caused death.
Note: As the NVSS updates this data, this table will reflect those updates.
So Where are the Covid-19 Deaths?
As you can see, by projection, there will be an additional 8,136 deaths in 2020 over 2019.
Yet right now, using government-provided data, Johns Hopkins University eggheads tell us there are 216,632 deaths caused by Covid-19 in 2020 (see graphic at top)! How can that be?
Right now, the raw data for 12-month ending number of deaths projects only 29,000 additional deaths in 2020 irrespective of causality (2020, 2.884 million vs 2019, 2.855 million) . That calculated figure comes numbers directly from the U.S. Monthly Totals tab of Monthly and 12 month-ending Number of Live Births, Deaths and Infant Deaths: United States.
What Is Adding to the Increase in Deaths in 2020 over 2019 Since Covid-19 Is Not?
What could account for the additional deaths in 2020 in the face of growing population combined with ever so slight improvements in premature death prevention owing to disease treatment and safety improvement? To answer that question likely can be found in two causes: illicit drug overdoses and suicides.
Deaths by misadventure owing to drug overdoses has been on the rise for years. Illegal drugs pouring into the USA from the porous Mexican border has led to an epidemic of drug overdose deaths in the USA.
The VSRR of the NVSS of the CDC produces data for drug overdose deaths here: Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts.
Expected overdose deaths for 2020 easily covers 64% of the increase in all deaths for 2020. That leaves a mere 2,929 deaths or 36% of additional deaths to be explained. Considering there are over 2.8 million deaths a year, that amounts to a rounding error, coroner's errors, in effect, or perhaps the rise in suicides.
According to the CDC's Suicide is Rising Across the USA, "Suicide is a leading cause of death in the US." Further, from the CDC, "Suicide rates went up more than 30% in half of states since 1999." Overall, suicide rates have risen in every state except Nevada, between 1999 to 2016.
So What About Covid-19?
The mere presence of Covid-19 in a body does not prove Covid-19 is causal for death for anyone. The mere presence of a virus in the body in no way makes it causal for anything. People who die of heart attacks because of heart disease who might also have the herpes virus did not die of the herpes virus. Coroners rightly attribute such deaths to heart attacks brought on by heart disease.
In 2020, people have died of heart disease and cancer mostly along with the flu and pneumonia, the same as they have done always. It is irrelevant that Covid-19 was present in some of their bodies. The data provided by the CDC does not show Covid-19 is causal for death.
People need to start talking about Covid Collusion because it should be clear that Covid-19 fear mongering has served great political purposes in China (ending the Hong Kong protests), in EUrope (stemming the protests against illegal Mohammadan immigration) and in the USA (attempting to persuade people to blame President Trump).
To see the false attribution to Covid-19 for deaths in the USA, check out the True Dollar Journal's Dashboard.