

How true this is, eh.

Over the last couple of days, I have give much thought about, the new commenting web service from the people of, the Free Speech Internet alternative.

Dissenter offers much for Americans and other US Citizens, Canadians, Brits, Aussies and everyone else who labor under the Master Race of billionaires and their social democracy technocrats who have worked ceaselessly to deceive working-class people on everything that is against their better interests, like mass migration, for example.

Back in the glory days of the Internet, between 1994 and 2008, if someone wrote or recorded something foolish and published it to the Internet, swarms of smart people would swoop down and set the record straight through comments.

Comments held people accountable for their attempts at deceit as well as their stupidity.

Twitter was fantastic between 2009 and 2011 (see my work: TWITTER, FROM A FREE SPEECH PLAYGROUND TO A STASI-CONTROLLED LEFT-THINK. TWITTER IS A #FAIL. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED AND HOW TO FIX IT). In the heydays of Twitter, anyone could speak to power and bring back to reality any celebrity, politician or dopey news reporter who dared to deviate from the truth.

I noticed that comments began disappearing around the time Obama ran for re-election. Likely, as the controlled media was all-in for the socially-promoted Obama and worst president in the history of the USA, removing comments stopped dissent over the first four years of the Obama disaster.

No doubt, the brains behind the Master Race's controlled media met at one of their retreats and decided that comments made it too hard for them to compete in a world of truth boots on the ground. So in typical conspiratorial fashion, one after another in short order removed their comment sections.

The political persuasionists who have adopted the rhetoric of social democracy always blather about how democracy is right for mankind. Yet, when any kind of actual democracy can be realized, they are quick to denounce such as "far right" or by another denigration.

With enough uptake, Gab's Dissenter will function as a de facto, democratic fact-checking body better than anything anyone could devise. Not only will dissenters take down false reporting by the Master Race's #FakeNews, but also, Dissenters will call out anyone within their ranks who has erred.

Dissenter can become the means to take us from the Age of Propaganda and into the Age of Truth.

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