

During the 2016 presidential race, then candidate Donald Trump stumped that he would re-negotiate NAFTA. After his historic win, President Trump, a man set on keeping his word, set U.S. trade representatives to the task of negotiating a new free trade agreement.

As I revealed in my work, NAFTA? CANADIANS SHOULD PAY A 15.5% TARIFF FOR EXPORTS INTO THE USA. THE WORLD SHOULD PAY MUCH MORE, the ideal would be for the United States Congress and the President to scrap all supposed free trade agreements and simply levy blind tariffs upon countries based upon their per capita capital investment relative to ours in the United States.

Today, the Financial Post of Canada published a work, It's Time for Canada to Stop Ragging the Puck on NAFTA Negotiations. The unnamed writer referenced John Curtis, a senior fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute and a former Ottawa politician who once said that dealing with the U.S. is like negotiating with the mafia. It is bigger than you, and more ruthless, so you can’t win. But you might come away relatively better off if you find a way to play along.

Perhaps Canadians are clueless as to relative importance of trade between Canadians and Americans. Canadians send 76% of everything they export to us, their American friends to their south. Americans send 19% of our exports to Canadians.

Source: The Observatory of Economic Complexity, MIT

To give my Canadian friends perspective, 19.2% of the entire Canadian economy comes from producing stuff and selling it to Americans. Said another way, almost one of every five dollars of the 1.53 trillion dollar Canadian economy gets earned because Americans are willing to buy from Canadians.

For Americans, a scant 1.5% of the 18.57 trillion dollar American economy comes from making and selling stuff to our friends to the north. Said another way, trade with Canadians amounts to less than two pennies for every dollar of the economy. Trade with Canadians could disappear tomorrow and Americans would not notice. 

However, for Canadians, life would become hard, instantly. The Canadian economy would collapse. The 20% of the Canadian economy that would disappear instantly would drag down the other 80%. Canadians would find themselves fast moving toward a life as impoverished as what their millions of recent immigrants once knew.

Most Canadians are not old enough to remember how the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement that went into effect on January 2, 1988, lifted Canadians from a people with a mediocre economy mired in social democracy to a vibrant, first world economy. Before the original FTA between Canadians and Americans, Canadian suffered sky high interest rates (21.6% in August 1981) and a lack of employment. Graciously, Americans lifted Canadians from their mired existence by allowing Canadians to sell to us, duty-free.

Teen-minded Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau is doing a great disservice to Canadians by dragging on NAFTA negotiations as if Canada can bargain from a position of strength. 

In essence, Canada is a province of the United States.  And like a rebellious teen, Trudeau has agitated his parents by hanging out with the wrong crowd (the Trans-Pacific Partnership) and dragging his feet about doing his responsibilities (signing a new NAFTA deal). 

Americans love Canadians so much that graciously, we let them have seven franchises in our National Hockey League. We let Canadians use our New York-based National Hockey League to be the glue that binds together their country of immigrants. We even have employed thousands of young Canadian men over decades to play in our National Hockey League. 

Canadians have a chance to sack English-deficient Justin from Canada on October 21, 2019. Canadians should consider doing so, strongly.

For more on Justin from Canada, the Truedope:

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