

Yesterday, somewhere in Canadaland, the man-child prime minister of Canada and legacy of Pierre Trudeau, the two-time Prime Minister of Canada (1968–1979 and 1980–1984) and his wife, the cocaine snortinghash smoking, Rolling Stones sex groupie Margaret, managed rudely to interrupt a young female Canadian so he could mansplain to her.

The self-professed feminist who lacks respect for females, Justin Trudeau stopped the girl from speaking so he could claim that Canadians like him say the awkward dual language mash-up "peoplekind" rather than the English word mankind.

Justin Trudeau simply does not understand English.


Most words spoken by English speakers, even more so, native English speakers of Anglo ancestry are words of Old English and Middle English origin.

Two of those words are man and kind. Philologists can attest the words to the Old English period of the English language. Together the words form the word mankind.

In the midst of Middle English, English speakers began borrowing (importing) many words from French speakers. Two of those words are person and people.

The word person came into English in the early 1200s meaning human being, anyone. Its origin is the Latin word persona meaning human.

The word people came into English in the late 1200s meaning humans, persons in general. Anglo-French speakers brought the word into English from the word Old French word peupel meaning people, population, crowd; mankind, humanity. Its origin is the Latin word populus meaning a people, nation; body of citizens; a multitude, crowd, throng.

The English word man means human being, a person either male or female. And that is why authentic English speakers say such words as mankind and manslaughter because such words are inclusive, universal to all.

Man also is an indefinite pronoun meaning "one." This is why authentic speakers of English call chess pieces men. The word has nothing to do so with sex identification.

The authentic English word kind was spoken during the Old English period. It means class, sort, variety, race.

Thus, mankind means all people everywhere on earth, or what Latin-favoring speakers would say as humanity.

Speakers of Old English said the words wer and wif to distinguish between the sexes. Speakers of French from Old French say male or female.

No doubt, you know the word werewolf. It is in that word, which authentic speakers of English still say wer.

Male, female, person, persons are not words of English any more than are the words: hors d'oeuvre, adieu and déjà vu.

The word man is the English word for the Old French word person.

True dopes like Justin from Canada conflate the word man with the Old French word male simply because dopes like Justin are ignorant of their own language.

Likewise, today, authentic English speakers say woman. The literal translation of the English word woman is female-person. The word is a mash up of wif and manWif is the English word for female.

Today, dopey feminists insist on spelling the word womyn in a homage to gyne, the Latin prefix meaning female. woman.

Canadians have a chance to sack English-deficient Justin from Canada on October 21, 2019. Canadians should consider doing so, strongly.

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