

Conservatives are Merely Slow-Moving Progressives / Liberals. The True Political Spectrum in the USA in the 21st Century.

If you doubt this truth, then ask yourselves this: Why are many of you good with gay marriage and gays in general in public life? 

Not even thirty years ago conservatives would not have supported such. Even Ellen Degeneris' sitcom was cancelled shortly after her character Ellen Morgan revealed herself to be a lesbian to her therapist played by Oprah Winfrey on her TV sitcom "Ellen." That was only in 1997. The network and producers caved to relentless public pressure against such entertainment.

It was only a year before that then-President Bill Clinton signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Yet, here we are today. I bet seven in ten if not eight and ten conservatives today are fine with gay marriage.

Right there that shows how Conservatives are merely slow-moving Progressives (Liberals). 

Here is the right view on the "Political Spectrum." People have been getting it wrong for decades now. Yet men nearly 100 years ago understood it exactly right.

The next screenshot shows the true nature of the conservative and conservatism and reveal how the conservatives of today, you know the entire bunch from the National Review to the Republican Party as well as to the neocons / neoconservatives, hate the idea of restoring the Republic. 

Thus, the conservative of today is not a true constitutionalist. That is why he or she supports elements of Social Democracy that once were the ideas and ideals of radical filth— Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. 

That is why there will be a general drift leftward. Conservatives merely perform rear guard action for liberals / progressives.  

While present-day radicals need to be destroyed and liberals need to be restricted as most of their ideas and ideals go against the nature of mankind, conservatives actually are an enemy to all that is good. They are merely the stooges, the lackeys of the progressives, the liberals of the day who have strayed far from achieved ideals of the past.

Though most would push against this truth at first glance, the founders of the USA Republic were radicals. See my work here on the TDJ: THE FOUNDERS OF THE USA WERE RADICALS. THEY WERE NEVER CONSERVATIVES NOR TRIBALISTS. YOU MIGHT BE A RESTORATIONIST BUT LIKELY YOU ARE NOT A CONSERVATIVE NOR TRIBALIST.

These radicals of the 18th century instituted what would be the progressive / liberal ideas and ideals of the 19th century:

These amazing screenshots come from a work published in a publication titled "The Scientific Monthly," specifically from Volume 17 of July to December, 1923. The work is titled "Conservatism and Radicalism—Some Definitions and Distinctions" by A.B. Wolfe.

This next passage reveals much about the current situation in the USA and amazingly did so in 1923! 

Of course, today, the conservative has been fighting to keep the substantial gains of internationalism / globalism imposed upon Americans over the last 31 years to 36 years at least.  These gains have come from much effort by progressives since the end of World War 2.

That is what the Great Reset is all about. The conservatives and tempered liberals are trying to stave off attacks from radicals and reactionaries. 

In the 21st century, the reactionaries in the USA are working-class Americans who seek to restore a nationalism (see these TDJ works: AMERICANS ARE FED UP! THE TRUMP REVOLUTION IS ON! and GLOBALISTS VERSUS REPUBLIC RESTORATIONISTS IS THE GREAT CLASH OF OUR TIMES. YOU LIVE UNDER POPULISM ALREADY). The beaten-down working-class in the era of globlization would like to restore to themselves the living standard enjoyed by the grandparents and great-grandparents. They know, intuitively at least, that can happen only through restricted trade and restricted immigration.

Much of the last four years has involved attacks on reactionaries, who are the working-class populists, and done by conservatives rather than done by progressives / liberals or radicals (see these TDJ works: RICHARD HAASS LAMENTS FOR HIS GLOBAL PLUTOCRACY TRIBE AS THE WORKING-CLASS IN THE USA AND EASTERN EUROPE AWAKEN and THE GLOBAL PLUTOCRACY'S LATEST PLOY TO ATTACK PRESIDENT TRUMP: COUNTRY OVER PARTY).

Today's radicals, of course, are the AOC / Green New Deal / Universal Basic Income / Medicaid-for-All (deceptively pushed as Medicare-for-All) government-run (nationalized) medicine. They are the other populists, the populists on the left, the socialist populists.

As you can see, this attitude-based model accurately describes the political spectrum far better than any other model. As a lens of truth, it has much explanatory power. 

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