
The Perpetual Civil War Increasingly Moves Toward a Hot War. Demographics Fuels the USA Civil War of the 21st Century.

Yesterday, someone who was begging for my attention on a social media service, tweeted / tooted this graphic to me. 

There are many kumbayah residents in the USA who lack intellects to understand reality to understand what has been happening in the USA.

If a Jew were the only one in a town of whites, that Jew would adapt his or her behavior to those whites. After all, one must go along to get along. Said another way, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Yet in a town of 50-50 whites and Jews, the Jew has no incentive to adapt to the whites. Further, peer pressure among his or her own herd would reinforce Jewishness under threat of being outcast for non-compliance. 

Back to the clueless fellow on social media. Simply, the fellow does not understand how the massive change in demographics in the USA beginning with Ronald Reagan's betrayal to the US citizens and the USA has now led to the current civil war (see: RED-PILLING YOU OVER LIBERAL RONALD REAGAN. FREE YOUR MIND. | TRUE DOLLAR JOURNAL). Yes, the current civil war is one fought not with bullets, but with rhetoric and one fought to determine whose mores and whose ethics, that is, whose codes of conduct who and whose beliefs about right and wrong should decide how life is to be lived. 

The closer the USA moves toward majority-minority, the more intense this civil war becomes. We see this now on the current battlefields of Portland and Seattle. The civil war is moving beyond mere rhetoric and heated shouting toward vandalism combined with remote, opportunity-driven assassinations of those in vulnerable situations who lacked awareness of their vulnerability (search on David Patrick Underwood, Aaron "Jay" Danielson, ambushed Los Angeles County sheriffs in Compton)

Many are puzzled as to why many whites have sided with coloreds of Black Lives Matter (see: BLACK LYING MATTERS. HILLARY CLINTON BLAMES WHITES AND COPS. THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OF BLACKS BEING KILLED BY COPS). They should not be. 

The urbanized white is a minority in most major cities in the USA (see table below). Thus, the urbanized white has learned to live as the Romans live in Rome, or in this case, how blacks and mestizos live in the bigger cities of the USA.

You should expect greater division among American Whites than division among the colored races. Urbanized whites live as the urbanized colored races―urbanized blacks, urbanized mestizos and urbanized Jews.

For more on the 21st Century USA civil war now underway, see my works:

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