

Fifty one years ago, Congress passed the Hart-Cellar Act. LBJ signed it into law. The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 authorized successive presidents to change the USA with Third World replacement Americans who are nothing like English ancestry Americans and those who adopted the foundation English heritage, German ancestry Americans.

As I showed in THE BIG LIE: AMERICANS ARE A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS, American demographics didn't begin to change substantially until the 1990s. Since then, reckless immigration has changed the faces of Americans.

Yesterday, I published DEMOGRAPHICS IS DESTINY. THE FUTURE OF THE USA, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AND THE DEMOCRATS, in which I revealed how leaders of the Republican Party would destine themselves to the trash heap of history if they were to follow the Karl Rove so-called Hispandering strategy favored by outgoing senator Jeff Flake.

Drone Racing, an eSport

Today, I share with you upheavals in non-legal American culture. Back on March 15, 2017, a press release by L.E.K. Consulting titled Millennials Abandon Sports on TV, Posing Threat to Teams, Leagues, Broadcast Partners, revealed that

Millennial sports fans are bypassing cable television and abandoning traditional sports for online video game tournaments and other "eSports." 
Based on a survey of more than 1,500 U.S. sports fans conducted in the third quarter of 2016, non-millennial sports fans (age 35+) report spending forty-one percent of their media time on TV, with nine percent of that viewing through streaming TV. Millennial sports fans (18-35) spend much less of their media time thirty-three percent watching TV and 20 percent of that comes from streaming.
Further, the study shows that millennial sports fans with at least a "little bit" of interest in eSports significantly prefer their favorite eSports to traditional sports – twenty-seven percent for Millennials, versus thirteen percent for non-Millennials sports fans. 
These changes are likely to have implications on viewership for professional sports leagues like the NFL, MLB and NASCAR, and networks like ESPN, Fox Sports and individual teams. 
"The old model is under pressure. Traditional sports organizations rely on TV, especially cable TV, to attract new fans and to generate revenue now through ownership of regional sports networks," said Alex Evans, Managing Director in L.E.K.'s Sports practice and a co-author of the study. 

According to an analysis by Dan Singer at McKinsey, We Are Wrong About Millennial Sports Fans, published in October, 2017,  Millennials watch fewer games and are quicker to stop watching mid-game. Singer believes that sports fans of all ages are quick to click away from low-stakes or lopsided games.

Singer claims that Millennials are sports fans too. Yet, the chart produced by Singer himself reveals that fewer Millennials follow sports. When they do, they are apt to follow non-American sports favored in the Third World such as soccer as well as non-traditional sports such as UFC.

Source: McKinsey

The hardest hit American sports are the NFL followed by Major League Baseball, the NHL and NASCAR. These sports leagues have the highest white audiences.

Today, almost everyone has streaming access to the Internet at least through smartphones and tablets. There are numerous Over-theTop (OTT) services like YouTube and Netflix.

As I showed how the path to victory for President Trump was to attact the white vote (see: NO ORDINARY WHITE GUY COULD EVER HOPE TO WIN THE U.S. PRESIDENCY IN 2016 AND MAYBE NEVER AGAIN. THE GOP WILL BE OVER SOON ENOUGH and TRUMP SURGES WITH WHITES WITHOUT COLLEGE DEGREES, THE KEY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP AS PREDICTED HERE BACK IN NOVEMBER, 2015), the path to victory for the NFL, MLB and NHL, immediately, is to appeal to whites.

Yet, execs in the NFL have sided with their anti-white, pro-black racist players. They have pivoted too soon.

Most children five and under in the USA are immediate or near immediate descendants of non-white immigrants. They will grow up liking soccer, mixed martial arts, drone racing and video game battles.

As the USA continues to get less white (now 61.3%, down from 72.4% in 2010, 75.1% in 2000, in 80.3% in 1990, 83.1% in 1980 and 87.5% in 1970), the beliefs that gave rise to the cultural practices of Americans will disappear. When those beliefs disappear, so too will sports such as Major League Baseball and the NFL, sports that arose and reflected the characteristics of Protestant Christian Americans.

Demographics is destiny.

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