Back on November 30, 2015, in NO ORDINARY WHITE GUY COULD EVER HOPE TO WIN THE U.S. PRESIDENCY IN 2016 AND MAYBE NEVER AGAIN. THE GOP WILL BE OVER SOON ENOUGH, I showed you that Donald Trump would be the only candidate who could beat Hillary Clinton in a historic election — the first woman president of the United States of America. In the work, I revealed the secret to winning for the right Republican nominee,
The key to winning elections against Democrats still is winning the white vote by a significant percent with a significant turn out. Whites still comprise 77% of the population and comprise the majority of voters.
That candidate needs to get whites without college degrees to show up and vote. They don't usually.
If the GOP candidate can get 10% more turn out of whites without college to show up and if that GOP candidate can get 10% more of them to vote GOP, that GOP candidate will be the next president. And this holds true even if 10% more Hispanics vote, 10% more blacks vote and 10% more Asians vote.
No ordinary white guy can could do that. Trump can. Trump is likely the only candidate who appeals to whites without college. Thus, likely Trump is the only shot a male registered Republican has at winning the presidency.
In today's Business Insider, Emma Fierberg reveals the results of a CNN/ORC International poll in a short slideshow video. The results of that poll show Trump doing exactly what he needs to do to win.
And those would-be voters come from independents who comprise 43% of the would-be electorate according to the Gallup Organization.
This is why Trump has opened up a lead against Hillary Clinton.
You can watch the full slide show here: