Oilprice.com has published a work by Irina Slav (There Is No Short Term Solution To Europe’s Oil Addiction) in which Irina pushes the repeated conventional thought that EU countries can not get off oil right away.
Of course, there is a way. However, that way would put into jeopardy 30 years of lying about man-made global warming by the World Economic Forum types who are trying to use energy restriction as a way to overthrow the existing order of sovereign governments with democratically-elected legislatures, replacing those with a neo-feudal order of multinational corporations ruling over billions of individuals through proxies of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) / civil society organizations (CSOs), which are in turn expressions of United Nations agencies.
The Solution is in the Solution
According to methanol giant, Methanex,
on an industrial scale, methanol is predominantly produced from natural gas by reforming the gas with steam and then converting and distilling the resulting synthesized gas mixture to create pure methanol. The result is a clear, liquid, organic chemical that is water soluble and readily biodegradable.
Methanol is one of the top five chemical commodities shipped around the world each year, and unlike some alternative fuels, is readily accessible through existing global terminal infrastructure.
As a high-octane vehicle fuel, methanol offers excellent acceleration and power. It also improves vehicle efficiency.
Methanol is a clean-burning fuel that produces fewer smog-causing emissions — such as sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter — and can improve air quality and related human health issues.
Methanol is most commonly produced on a commercial scale from natural gas. It can also be produced from renewable sources such as biomass and recycled carbon dioxide and anything that is, or ever was, a plant!
So there you have it. Rather than idiotically shipping liquefied natural gas to Europe, which requires major infrastructure investments and much energy to cool natural gas to a liquid state, simply convert natural gas into methanol, which can be done easily in the USA.
This promo video is worth a watch.