USA Population Grew 7.5% Between 2010 and 2020. Clearly, if a state's population growth was below the total growth, people rightly recognize that state as a downer, a loser, poorly managed, offering nothing.
If you divide the USA into quadrants, Massachusetts is the only state in the Northeast that grew near the USA growth. Illinois is one of the few states in any quadrant that lost population. It is such a poorly run state. A true immigrant city for all-time, Chicago is a cesspool of character-devoid people.
Michigan is one of the prettiest states, a top 10 destination for travel beauty and yet, its population barely grew. The state is dragged down by Detroit, a horrible city filled with wretched people who lack character and morality.
The Southeast saw big growth especially in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Delaware. Only in Mississippi did it lose population.
Most of Texas technically is in the Southeast and it led all growth in the region. Only a sliver of Texas (El Paso, the High Plains) is in the Southwest.
The Southwest saw even better growth than the Southeast with parts of Utah (St. George),most of Nevada (Reno to Las Vegas) and most of Colorado (Denver southward) leading the charge.
Clearly, people are fed up with overcrowded, extremely poorly governed California. California continues to have some of the most stunning landscapes of he USA. However, its people in government are among the worst in the USA. They approach governance much like developing world despots do.
The Northwest also saw stellar growth with Idaho leading the charge along with Washington, Montana and Oregon providing refuge for ex-Californians.