
2020 True Dollar Journal Covid-19 USA Relocation Guide. Here are the Best Metros for American Whites.

In today's charged political environments driven by virulent anti-White hatred by major media hashtag Fake News and approved by billionaire globalists everywhere along with Black Lives Matter and AntiFa burning, looting and murdering, many American whites wonder where they should live. 

Many people in general simply prefer to live among their own kind. This guide helps you do that.

Idaho Falls, Idaho

The first table ranks metros by the unemployment rate for all metros having American whites populations greater than the national average. The second table ranks ranks metros by the unemployment having white  majority populations, that is, all other races are minorities.

2020 USA Metros Ranked by Unemployment Having American White Populations Greater than the National Average

2020 USA Metros Ranked by Unemployment Having Majority American White Populations

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