


On Saturday, July 27, 2019, President Trump took to Twitter as the President has done since before the 2016 election, to get out his message unfiltered and bypass #FakeNews.

The Baltimore / Elijah Cummings tweets might have won the 2020 Presidential Election for President Trump one year, three months and one week ahead of the election. The depth and brilliancy of it has yet to be realized upon, in full.

In effect, President Trump has made Elijah Cummings, a House Democrat, the face of the Democratic Party for 2020. Doing so shows the brilliance of President Trump.

As the front-runner, the established brand, the President has no reason to run against the eventual Democratic Party nominee in 2020, not from a marketing perspective. To do so would be like Coca-Cola running ads attacking their also-ran competitor, Pepsi, or McDonalds bringing attention to Burger King or Wendy's.

Cummings is a Democrat and long-time member of the U.S. House of Representatives who represents over half of the mostly majority-black city of Baltimore. Cummings has been an open-borders obstructionist against building a wall to stop illegal aliens from entering the USA through the US-Mexican border. 

Through these tweets of July 27, 2019, by highlighting Cummings, the President now has focused U.S. citizens upon the idea that Democrat politicians do everything for themselves and for foreigners but do nothing for U.S. citizens.

What the President has done on Twitter with Cummings is an excellent example of what some observers call President Trump's four-dimensional chess. After having connected Elijah Cummings to open borders and crime, the President linked Cummings to politicking and by implication the Mueller witch hunt and bogus stirrings of impeachment.

The enfeebled Democrats quickly tried to respond with the "R" word. Because Cummings is a New World African (i.e., a slave-descendant black African of an unknown tribe), Democrats availed themselves of the Establishment, Inc., #FakeNews media to push their counter strike message that President Trump is being racist.

On Sunday, the President tweeted:

After punching back against racism charges, the President hit again the Democrats as failures by highlighting Cummings.

With the Elijah Cummings tweets, the President has revealed that he is running against the entire Democratic Party in 2020. He has taken away their race card and thus the President has given New World African voters in the USA much to think about.

By today, Monday, July 29, the Cummings Gambit has triggered poverty pimp New World African Al Sharpton into action. It appears that Sharpton is headed to Baltimore to protest the President. And it appears the President already had a counter move.

Through his innovative use of Twitter and his understanding of positioning, President Trump might be the most skilled politician in the arena today.

As to life in Baltimore itself, in Cummings district, residents of Baltimore routinely murder each other.

In 2018, there nearly nine times (8.9) as many murders in Cumming's Baltimore as there were in the whole of the USA. Murder is bad enough in Baltimore that news publisher the Baltimore Sun tracks Baltimore murders on a map.

In 2018, the USA Today reported that Baltimore has a higher murder rate than the city of Chicago, the third largest city in the USA with a population of over 2.7 million. Yet, with 602,495 residents, Baltimore's population is slightly more than one-fifth of Chicago. In short, Baltimore's residents are violently murderous. The Baltimore murder rate is twice higher and a third (2.3 times) compared to the Chicago murder rate.

For every square area in Baltimore of a mile by a mile, there are 530 crimes. For the whole state of Maryland where Baltimore sits, that figure is one-eleventh.

In 2018, had you been in Baltimore you faced these odds:

  • 1 in 1.03 chance of being robbed
  • 1 in 1.04 chance of being assaulted
  • 1 in 1,786 chance of being murdered
  • 1 in 1,587 chance of being raped as a female

Effectively, if you were in Baltimore in 2018, you would either have been robbed or assaulted at least once.

Comparing Baltimore to the USA as a whole, which includes Baltimore, and you can see how much more dangerous living is in Baltimore.

  • 1 in 1,020 chance of being robbed
  • 1 in 402 chance of being assaulted
  • 1 in 20,000 chance of being murdered
  • 1 in 2,381 chance of being raped as a female

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