

On May 7, 2018, the Washington Post published a work by Ed Jones titled Democrats’ Frightening Embrace of Socialism. In the work, Jones wrote:

It is stunning to realize how in today’s Democratic Party, being a capitalist is something one must either apologize for or at least give qualified acceptance. Talk about nostalgia for the 1950s. It seems that socialism is making a comeback.
Democrats want to talk about Republicans living in the past, but the new progressives, as they like to call themselves, are in fact a lot like the old socialists. They want free college, free cash, free health care, new mandates for this and that, and so on.  

Back on February 25, 1948, MGM began distributing a theatrical animation short titled Make Mine Freedom. In the cartoon, John Q. Public tells the story of an alternative future if Americans as represented by a farmer, a business titan, a politician and a laborer agree to sell their freedom souls to Dr. Utopia, a Satan-like salesman of "Ism."

As it lurches ever leftward, today's Democratic Party peddles what Marx, Lenin and Mao tried to peddle in the early 20th century. Those communists of the 20th century murdered at least 148.52 million. Other totalitarians (Nazis, Japanese, others) murdered another 31.7 million.

It is hard to believe that in only 29 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall and 27 years since the fall of the Soviet Union, that Millennial dummies in the USA would like to overthrow the USA for socialism or communism.

Make Mine Freedom is well worth about ten minutes of your time. Every child in the United States ought to watch this cartoon every year. Every college professor ought to watch it as well.

John Sutherland Productions made this brilliant cartoon for the American Studies Institute at Harding College.  Cartoon heavyweights Fred Quimby (producer), William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (directors) worked upon it. The cartoon won awards from the Freedoms Foundation in 1949 and the Cleveland Film Festival in 1950.

The only socialist in Congress, Senator Bernie Sanders, recently came out to say he would like to force government to provide a $15 an hour job for every American presumably 18 and over and not working currently. Meanwhile, the economy at long last appears to have begun an authentic advance as Americans are going back to work and food stamp usage is falling rapidly.

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