The great political clash of our times is being fought between Globalists on one side and Republic Restorationists on the other side.
Yet, if you believe everything spewed by mainstream, established TV and major newspaper media, you would believe the great political clash of our time is between respectable Americans against evil Populists and Nationalists, with Nationalists being a code-word for white supremacist neo-Nazi.
Deceptively, news media provocateurs have labeled Republic Restorationist fighters (see below) as populists and their movement as populism. For the last few years, news media propagandists for the globalists have been trying to condition Americans into believing fighting for limited government (restricted politicians), controlled borders with low-number steady immigration and fractional sovereignty solely in the hands of citizens are evils.
As it is, right now, you live under populism. You have never lived under any system but populism. You do not know any other system.
Populism and Social Democracy: What Populism and Nationalism Mean

Populists existed between 1892 and 1900. Populists were left-wing radicals. In 1894, Populists gained 10% control of the House of Representatives.
Populists sought to restore the Abraham Lincoln's abhorrent greenback subject to fiat-value as well as restore untenable bi-metalism. Populists sought to end private banknote cash, nationalize the railroads, impose progressive rate income taxation and impose inheritance tax.
Though they lost the presidential elections of 1892, 1896 and 1900, Populists ended up winning nearly everything they desired after they took over the Democratic Party in 1896.
It is the Populists who turned the Democrats into the Social Democracy party under presidents Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. They are the ones who imposed centralized banknote currency upon Americans through the Federal Reserve Act. They are the ones who imposed a progressive rate income taxation scheme after the passage of the 16th Amendment. They are the ones who imposed a heavy inheritance tax scheme.
According to the Populists and their platform in the 1900 presidential election:
We denounce this act (Act of March 14, 1900):
For making all money obligations domestic and foreign payable in gold coin or its equivalent thus enormously increasing the burdens of the debtors and enriching the creditors.
For striking down the greenback ...
We reaffirm the demand for the reopening of the mints of the United States to the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, the immediate increase in the volume of silver coins and certificates thus created to be substituted, dollar for dollar, for the bank notes issued by private corporations under special privilege granted by the law of March 14, 1900, and prior national banking law, the remaining portion of the bank notes to be replaced with full legal tender government paper money and its volume so controlled as to maintain at all times a stable money market and a stable price level.
We demand a graduated income and inheritance tax to the end that aggregated wealth shall bear its just proportion of taxation.
We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government for the safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange.
Transportation being a means of exchange and a public necessity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the interest of the people and on the nonpartisan basis to the end that all may be accorded the same treatment in transportation, and that the extortion, tyranny and political power now exercised by the great railroad corporations which result in the impairment, if not the destruction of the political rights and personal liberties of the citizen may be destroyed. Such ownership is to be accomplished in a manner consistent with sound public policy.
Trusts, the overshadowing evil of the age, are the result and culmination of the private ownership and control of the three great instruments of commerce money, transportation and the means of transmission of information which instruments of commerce are public functions and which our forefathers declared in the Constitution should be controlled by the people through their congress for the public welfare. The one remedy for the trusts is that the ownership and control be assumed and exercised by the people.</blockquote>
The late 1800s Populists sought to nationalize the railroads, that is, they sought to put the railroads under government control.
Because of the Populists, the USA has been a Social Democracy since Teddy Roosevelt put the USA on the path with his trust busting, followed by his protege William Howard Taft. The populist infiltrated and controlled Democratic Party saddled Americans with the evils of full-blown social democracy beginning with Woody Wilson and continuing through Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt was and still is the most popular populist of all times.
It is under Lyndon B. Johnson, that Democrats expanded their populism and hence social democracy with their massive welfare programs, Medicare and Medicaid.
Popular is not a Synonym for Populism
Though freedom is popular, freedom is not populist. Though constitutionally-limited government is popular, constitutionally-limited government is not populist.
Popular entered English in the 1400s from Middle French meaning belonging to the people, general, common; devoted to or accepted by the people; democratic. By 1600, speakers began using the word to mean well-liked, admired by the people and by 1819 to mean favored by people generally.
Populism and populist are American English coinages directly related to the U.S. Populist Party and its movement of socialism and nationalism. Both words can be attested to 1893 and 1892, respectively.
Smarter propagandists control by controlling the vocabulary of debate. Controlling vocabulary makes it all too easy to sway enough minds.
In the USA, propagandists work for those at the top. Those at the top are billionaires who favor globalization.
In Europa, propagandists there have trained the people to believe that populism means fascism. As most Europeans worship social democracy and thus they see populism as an evil.
As long as Republic Restoratonists let propagandists re-purpose totalitarian vocabulary, primarily socialist vocabulary, Republic Restorationists leave ourselves open to attack. Globalist propagandists will lead our believers down their slippery slope and right back to supporting their agenda.
In the USA, propagandists work for those at the top. Those at the top are billionaires who favor globalization.
In Europa, propagandists there have trained the people to believe that populism means fascism. As most Europeans worship social democracy and thus they see populism as an evil.
Republic Restorationists and the Tea Party 2.0
Back on February 08, 2016, I published a work, THE FOUNDERS OF THE USA WERE RADICALS. THEY WERE NEVER CONSERVATIVES NOR TRIBALISTS. YOU MIGHT BE A RESTORATIONIST BUT LIKELY YOU ARE NOT A CONSERVATIVE NOR TRIBALIST, in which I coined the moniker Republic Restorationist. A week later, on February 16, 2016, I published a work IS THE RESTORATIONIST DONALD TRUMP GOING TO DITCH THE GOPHER PARTY? to describe then presidential candidate Donald Trump.
In spite of repeated efforts by hired propagandists for the globalists, President Trump is Republic Restorationist. President Trump is not a nationalist. President Trump is an Americanist and his guiding doctrine is Americanism.
Should President Trump succeed, future historians likely will trace the Republic Restoration movement to the Tea Party 2.0, the so-called Tea Party Republicans.
In the first work mentioned above, I wrote:
And most Americans are restorationists. They want to revert to full adherence to the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution. Today's Americans are restorationists who want to enforce the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution in pursuit of limited politicians, enforced competition, self-rule and entrepreneuralism.
Restorationists are not conservatives. No authentic Bill of Rights American who believes in free-enterprise and the Protestant work ethic ever should want to help the Conservatives.
The Republican Party started out as radicals. They overthrew the slavery system of the South and caused a civil war over it. They were radicals when they overthrew the monetary system based on money and went with one based on greenbacks.
The Republican Party have ended up as conservatives. They are trying to preserve their 40 years of globalization and internationalism.
Free-capitalist progressive restorationists are those who believe in a limited role for government and a strict adherence to the constitution. Conservatives do not believe in these things.
In the second work, I wrote:
What have the post-New Deal Republican and Democratic parties given Americans since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism?Restorationists fight for the Republic and the re-establishment of freedom over officialdom.
- Globalization has been a disaster for working-class Americans.
- Open-borders illegal immigration of Central Americans and Mexicans has been a disaster for working-class Americans.
- Excessive legal immigration has been a disaster for working-class Americans.
- Obamacare and the end of the Gingrich-Clinton welfare reform has been a disaster for Americans.
- Unneeded wars in the Middle East have been a disaster for Americans.
- Muslim immigration and Muslim education visas were a disaster to all those on 9/11 who had to leap to their deaths from the World Trade Center.
Republic Restorationists and Jeffersonian Republicanism
Deceptive historians for years have tried to claim Thomas Jefferson was a Democrat. Jefferson never was a Democrat. The Democratic Party started with Andrew Jackson.In my work, U.S. PRESIDENTS, THEIR PARTIES AND THE FAILURES OF TODAY'S PRESIDENTS, I revealed the tenets of the original Republican party, which was the party of Thomas Jefferson. Here are the tenets
The original Republican party of Jeffersonian democracy best exemplifies what many Americans would like to have today — republicanism. Among the Jeffersonian democracy core ideals are these:These Jeffersonian tenets are what the Republic Restorations fight.
- The Bill of Rights is supreme — Congress and its agency has a duty not to violate natural rights of individuals, which the Bill of Rights codifies.
- Congress and its agency must not violate the rights of the states.
- Freedom of speech, the press and unfettered arms ownership are the best methods to prevent tyranny.
- There can not be state-sanctioned Christian religion — church and state must remain separate. All other supposed religions are heresy.
- All men had the right to be informed, and thus, to have a say in the government.
- The judiciary should be subservient to the elected branches.
President Trump Is Not a Fascist, but Obama Was
Propagandists for the globalists would have you believe that President Trump is a fascist. Incessantly, the try to connect President Trump with images of Hitler through neo-Nazis, white supremacists and the like.
Yet, the crypto-Mohammadan Obama was the first fascist president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Obama's signature law, Obamacare is a example of quasi-fascism in action. Fascism is state-controlled capitalism.
Fascism means big industry led by the biggest firms doing the bidding of government whereby the firms still get to profit and have property in capital (property put to production; property means right of ownership).
Under fascism, individuals can pursue profit with their property in chattel, works and promises.
Like communism and socialism, fascism relies upon collectivist rhetoric, which claims that action undertaken by government is done to achieve national objectives. In all three, the individual becomes a mere implement to achieve national objectives.
It should be noted that fascism has no requirement that dictatorship be embodied in one man. A legislature can act as a dictatorship.
Globalist Propagandists at Work
If you check out a work by Encylopedia Brittanica (Tea Party movement AMERICAN POLITICAL MOVEMENT), the publishers start out with a proper summary of the Tea Party movement (see blow) and then they try to connect the movement with socialist populists of William Jennings Bryan and Huey Long (see below) before oddly jumping to a TV report about the Greenspan-Bernanke Banking Crisis of 2008 inaptly named by them and others as a financial crisis.
Tea Party movement, conservative populist social and political movement that emerged in 2009 in the United States, generally opposing excessive taxation and government intervention in the private sector while supporting stronger immigration controls.
Origins Of The Tea Party
Historically, populist movements in the United States have arisen in response to periods of economic hardship, beginning with the proto-populist Greenback and Granger movements in the 1860s and ’70s and continuing with William Jennings Bryan’s Populist Party in the 1890s and Louisiana politician Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth program during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
In the wake of the financial crisis that swept the globe in 2008, populist sentiment was once more on the rise. The catalyst for what would become known as the Tea Party movement came on February 19, 2009, when Rick Santelli, a commentator on the business-news network CNBC, referenced the Boston Tea Party (1773) in his response to Pres. Barack Obama’s mortgage relief plan.The lie is repeated on the pages of The Incredible True Story of the Tea Party's Rise to Power | TakePart.
The Tea Party movement arose as a Republic restorationist movement to elect House members opposed to Obama's fascist Obamacare. Former Alaska governor and former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin became the outspoken face of the movement. During President Trump's run, Palin campaigned for the President under the same Tea Party rhetoric — liberty, limited government, an end to insider politics, an end to illegal alien immigration.