Who anointed the jerks at the Southern Poverty Law Center to decide who comprise a hate group and who do not?
Why haven't all demanded the Southern Poverty Law Center to categorize all political groups in the USA by consistent manifest metrics so that all can judge whether or not the jerks at the Southern Poverty Law Center have assessed with accuracy.
The people of the Southern Poverty Law Center lack any legitimacy whatsoever. They are not elected.
Instead, the people of the Southern Poverty Law Center wage jihad against anyone they do not like, any laws they do not want to follow and any cultural traditions of authentic Americans that stand in the way of their quest for dominance and supremacy.
In a twist, the Southern Poverty Law Center adapted Everett Dean Martin's work Behavior of Crowds, for their 1920 pamphlet, The Mob Mind vs Civil Liberty. Martin was the Director of the Cooper Union Forum of the People's Institute New York City
In his work, Martin described factions known as struggle groups. The Southern Poverty Law Center has become a struggle group.
Here is what Martin had to say on struggle groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center:
The chief tactic of those in control of the Southern Poverty Law Center is to wage a public relations war against those they seek to take down. Hence, they label their victims as hate groups. Labeling their foes as hate groups makes it so much easier for the Southern Poverty Law Center to claim the high road — implying they are doing God's work by ridding us of hateful groups.
So when you think about it, those of the Southern Poverty Law Center are no better than the Spanish Inquisition who burned at the stake anyone they labeled heretics against the Roman Catholic Church.
Here is what Martin had to say on the tactic of heretics as used masterfully by those of the Southern Poverty Law Center when they label others as hate groups.