Many have tried to play the children angle, claiming it unfair to these muslim kiddies. According to the Telegraph UK, British passport holder Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, his brother and their children aged between eight and 19 were stopped from taking a flight to Los Angeles for a planned tripped to Disneyland. Mahmood said, "They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that. They can't react like that just because we are muslim. My kids are obviously upset. They know why it happened and they know what is going on in the world. It could be because of Donald Trump as why otherwise would all of this spring up on us."
Someone needs to edcuate Mahmood. Foreigners lack any right to travel to the USA. Congress lacks duty to let foreigners travel to the USA. Visas are privileges kindly granted by Congress through its agency.
It is odd that muslims would want to travel to Disneyland considering Walt Disney was a very devout Congregationalist Christian who was named after his family's minister, Walter Parr.
Walt Disney had Disneyland dedicated by a Congregationalist reverend upon its opening.
Odder still is why would muslims want their kids steeped in stories Walt Disney adapted from strict Lutheran Christians the Brothers Grimm — "Cinderella" ("Aschenputtel"), "Sleeping Beauty" ("Dornröschen"), and "Snow White" ("Schneewittchen"). Snow White was an openly Christian princess. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White can be seen praying with head bowed and hands clasped together asking God to bless the dwarfs.
Walk Disney said of himself, "All I ask of myself, 'Live a good Christian life.' To that objective I bend every effort in shaping my personal, domestic, and professional activities and growth."
As an ardent anti-communist, it is fair to speculate that Walt Disney would have been anti-Islam.