


Socialism Revivalist preacher Thomas Piketty has written the new millennial age bible for crypto-socialists everywhere luring them from the shadows to the new socialist church.

This Second Great Awakening of Socialism is sure to stimulate reformers seeking to remedy the evils of society, which they believe capitalism drives, as they strive to usher in their anticipated Second Coming of progressive Utopia.

This Second Great Awakening, this socialist resurgence could alter life, worsening life for working Americans unless stopped.

Already we have seen mass-scale camp meetings such as Occupy Wall Street. Those who flocked to Occupy Wall Street listened to revivalist oratory and sang hymnody. Many unwitting Americans who watched on their taxpayers' financed, welfare-funded, big, flat screens have been converted to socialistic thought through this enthusiastic preaching.

Second Great Awakening socialist revivalists pull chapter-and-verse from their playbook of trickery railing against purported evils of capitalism, damning capitalists and crying for mercy for all of the down trodden workers and welfare needy-greedies.

Piketty has become the Henry Ward Beecher of the Second Great Awakening of Socialism, luring many to come forth and become worshippers, baptized into a Born-again Socialism.

Piketty's Postmillennialist socialism theology is a call to purify society of capitalism as preparation for the return of Socialist Utopia. This is why Piketty calls for Progressive reforms.

Yet, Piketty's demonic false religion is easily exposed, which I have done in these:


Piketty preaches a fire and brimstone sermon of "the past devours the future." Piketty strives to seduce the minds of seekers with such phrases as 

"A market economy based on private property, if left to itself, contains powerful forces of convergence, in particular with knowledge and skills; but it also contains powerful forces of divergence, which are potentially threatening to democratic societies and to the values of economic and social justice.
"The principal destabilizing force has to do with the fact that the private rate of return on capital, signified as "r", can be significantly higher for long periods of time than that rate of growth of income and output, as signified by "g". 
"Hence, since inequality r > g implies that wealth accumulated in the past grows more rapidly than output and wages, this inequality expresses a fundamental logical contradiction. The entrepreneur inevitably tends to become a "rentier", more and more dominant over those who own nothing but their labor. Once constituted, capital reproduces itself faster than output increases. i.e. the past devours the future."
Few know that Piketty stole his now famous line from the late 19th century-early 20th century French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859–1941) who said, “The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future." 

Bergson is the guy who believed in élan vital, an invisible force that could be harvested, embedded into an inanimate thing, and activated with electricity to create life!

But is it true? Does "wealth accumulated in the past" that becomes capital devour wages and output? It turns out, this is the central contradiction of Piketty rather than capitalism.

According to reality, rather than hoarding their wealth, rentiers take their year before return, levering up their wealth to create more capital, putting their wealth at risk!

In short, the present creates the future! And that is what capitalism and credit is all about. 

In 77 of 84 years, rentiers — landlords and dividends earners — for every $1 rentiers earned, spending on capital rose by more than $1 in the following year. In 69 of 84 years, spending on capital by entrepreneurs — farmers and proprieters — rose by more than $1 for every $1 earned. 

In short, through the genius of credit, capitalists leveraged their wealth to bring forth capital into the now. This is how an economy grows.

Credit is expected profits of the future embodied in property. Thus, credit is a kind of conditional property. Credit embodies estimates of prices for future sales and prices for future outlays.

Credit arises from worthful rights, rights to existing goods, rights to expressible services, rights to future profit should such materialize. The one who extends credit, in truth, buys a right of action against the borrower for a preferential share of profit, should profit materialize.

Reality reveals the irreality of the socialist revivalist preacher Piketty. The irony of it all is that Piketty preaches heresy relative to the reality of trading property for profit, but his preaching gets absorbed as orthodoxy as standard academia economics.

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