

Another Disgusting Welfare Program that Blows You Away When You Find Out that it Exists. The Hidden Socialism Enforced Upon US Taxpayers

Today, Axios published an article lamenting over not enough taking advantage of yet another hidden welfare program (see:  Broadband's Underused Lifeline for Low-income Users)

This is why many of us pay 33 cents of every dollar we earn to Congress. Taxation at that level is obscene. This is why Congress is in debt by $26 trillion.

Americans do not want to believe they live under socialism because we have freedom to buy what we desire or travel to where we want or to live where we want constrained by our incomes. 

Yet, for many, having weak to no job skills is not a barrier to having a middle-class lifestyle. Simply, Congress borrows to give people what they want, even when they have not earned such. Then Congress taxes at obscene rates, the hustlers, the productive, the people who committed themselves to gaining skills demanded in the marketplace.

Why should people be given high-speed Internet cheap-to-them but you should pay the full freight? 

If all price subsidy and welfare ended tomorrow, even no skilled clowns would be paid wages at subsistence level for no one can live at a loss. Firms would be forced to pay break-even wages. 

If firms were forced to compete rather than use laws to protect themselves from competitors, efficiency would force prices to ridiculously low levels. But that being the case, the need for bank credit (credit cards and car loans mostly) would plummet and thus bankers would be come much poorer.

The system is corrupt to the core and mostly it is so owing to welfare and subsidy done by Congress. When Republicans as conservatives gave up the fight against welfare and Social Democracy, the beginning of the end of the USA accelerated. 

It should disgust anyone that millions are given a free-to-them middle-class lifestyle without having to lift their grubby, gimmie fingers. 

The whole idea of the "American dream" was the escape of the caste/class system of EUrope to come to the USA to earn as much as one could based on one's ambition.

Congress has turned the American dream into a tax-burden nightmare for too many while taking away the dream for all. Too many do not even need to dream. Instead, they say "gimmie" and Congress obliges.

We will not restore the USA and make it great again until we beat back welfare to near zero and remove all subsidy from all people and all businesses regardless of the whining from the whingers. 

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