

The Trump Twister Storms Oklahoma and YouTube. YouTube Scores Eye-popping Viewership Numbers of President Trump's 2020 Tulsa, Oklahoma Rally

So while watching President Trump through YouTube in a window and scrolling through Gab, the world's premier free speech social platform,  a few shares caught my eye touting the viewership of Trump's rally on YouTube.

Not to be one to take anyone's word for it, I fired up the spreadsheet and did a quick take of all hits for the search on YouTube: trump,live

From the 31 channels I grabbed from the search results, here are the numbers. Easily between 1.29 and 2.59 million were watching President Trump's rally at the time of my quick take. Who knows how many watched by network / cable TV. Likely that is at least another million across all channels. 

Hashtag Fake News and their globalist masters have much work to do to derail President Trump's re-election over the next 136 days. 

The Covid-19 lock downs of the various states, especially the swing states like Michigan ruled by a delusional woman, Gretchen Whitmer, likely has worked to President Trump's advantage as has the rioting in Democrat blue cities. Such fiascos motivate people at-risk of violence or loss to become voters, President Trump voters. 

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