


Global in Reach, Local / Regional in Serious Effects

Looking at the TDJ's WUHAN VIRUS 2020 DEATH STANDINGS, it is clear. Though global in reach, a few regions are hardest hit.

The Italian peninsula is pozzed worst. Right behind that region is New York City and the adjacent counties, which surround it (see: THE REAL TRUTH: THE COVID-19 / CHINESE VIRUS MOSTLY IS A NEW YORK CITY PROBLEM / IMMIGRATION PROBLEM. HOW TO STOP THE SPREAD). Third, France and its neighboring countries (Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands being adjacent to Belgium) is the next hardest hit region.

Likely, the virus has been spread in the hardest hit regions by immigrants, particularly by Mohammadans whose behavioral practices are far different from Western mankind.

A few other regions have high infection rates because of well-off Millennial travelers / vacationers. A good example is Eagle county, Colorado, where the fabled ski resort of Vail can be found. The infection rate for Eagle county is an eye-popping 1 in 302. Compare that with Los Angeles county, the county of world city of Los Angeles and 10.12 million. In L.A. county, the infection rates is only 1 in 5,559.

Some Countries / Regions Should be Cut-Off from the World, the Ultimate in Social Distancing

Clearly, the countries and regions with the highest infection rates and even more so, death rates ought to be cut off from the world, temporarily. This means all civilian passenger travel should be suspended from much of Europe, Wayne county, Michigan, where Detroit is and 1 in 757 are infected, and of course from New York City, its surrounding counties and some counties from northern New Jersey.

All permanent immigration relocation should be stopped temporarily.

Shipping could continue, but sailors ought to be restricted to ports and dock workers kept isolated.

Who Has it Right 

Whatever Putin and Russians are doing seems to be working for a country of 145 million with only 867 infections per 100 million and a death rate under one per 10 million. 

President Trump has done much of what has been needed such as banning flights from China and Europe early on. His general response to mitigating the virus has been right.

President Trump ought to shutdown greater NYC airports and restrict travel by residents of that region. The President ought to do the same for Wayne county/Detroit residents.

All foreign-attraction resorts ought to have be shuttered by now. 

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