The Washington Times today reported that Andrew Cuomo, the nepotistic governor of New York is set to sign into law a green new deal bill that will mandate all electricity in New York to be generated by so-called renewable resources by the year 2050.
Venal politicians of the 21st century are among the stupidest. Their talents lie in, well, lying without compunction, and never feeling even a tinge of red-faced embarrassment.

According to the US Department of Energy, New Yorkers burned 144,992 million kilowatt hours of electricity in 2017 for residential, commercial industrial, and transportation uses. Thus in 2017, New Yorkers burned 144,992,000 megawatts (Mw) or 397,238.36 Mw a day or 16,551.60 Mw an hour.
To give you perspective, the R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in New York, can generate up to 582 Mw an hour, but generated 536 Mw an hour in 2017. That was only 2.2% of the total electrical needs of New Yorkers in 2017.
As there are 30 years, 6 months, 8 days until 1 January 2050, that means starting today, New Yorkers would need to build and bring online 31 nuclear power plants the size of R. E. Ginna or roughly one a year. And an additional plant would need to be built to replace the aging R. E. Ginna itself.
Yet all should ask themselves. Are there even enough construction firms in existence for the whole of that USA could build one plant a year?
It seems hard to believe there would there be no lawsuits and thus no court delays.
Now, since nuclear is not green in the eyes of the greenies, how about solar? It takes about three million solar panels under ideal conditions to produce one gigawatt of electricity. New Yorkers burned 397.24 gigawatts a day in 2017.
So New Yorkers would need to manufacture and install 1.192 billion solar panels by 2050. In truth, since panels last about 20 years and degrade in performance every year from the first year, the number of solar panels needed might closer to 1.788 billion. Oh, and that does not factor in the volume of batteries needed for storage or the replacement of all those batteries at least twice during the next 30 years.
Yet ask yourselves this: What firm could make 160,373 solar panels a day? From where will all of the materials come? What other products must no longer be made so all those solar panels can be manufactured?
The foregoing calculations above assume no growth in population or electricity usage. Now, let is assume the New York population grows to 23.7 million from its current 19.54 million by assuming, proportionally, New York will have as many residents in 2050 relative to projected world population as it does today less a loss of 1.5 million over 30 years that reflects an annual loss of 50,000 residents that happened from New York between 2017 and 2018.
If electric usage is constant, New Yorkers will need 175,411.45 gigawatts in 2050. Now, New Yorkers would need 37 (really 38) nuke plants the size of R. E. Ginna.
What about wind you wonder. Well, back in 2016, Long Island Power Authority proposed constructing a 90-megawatt, 15-turbine wind farm 30 miles east of Montauk. That works out to 6 Mw a turbine.
Yet, the estimated electricity needs of the future New Yorkers of 2050 will be 20,024.14 Mw an hour. New Yorkers would need to pollute the Long Island Sound with 3,337 turbines assuming each could generate 6 Mw an hour without fail.

Only the reality deniers of Clown World and the gullible could ever believe that Green New Deals are viable. Can you imagine if all 50 states tried to do the impossible all at the same time? The morons of the Democratic Party who are running for the 2020 nomination to represent their party in the 2020 Presidential Election all believe in the Clown World of a Green New Deal.