


President Trump has decided to end the regime change war Syria, an attempt launched by Obama administration to oust the Shiite-friendly, Iranian allied Assad from power in Syria at the behest of the Sunni Mohammadan Saudi Arabians and the Jewish Israelis. The decision has caused tantrums to be tossed by politicians, both Democrats and Republicans.

The now-deceased George Herbert Walker Bush (aka Bush Sr) foolishly adopted globalization policies, which is successors, Bill Clinton, George Walker Bush (aka Bush Jr) and Barack Obama, worked feverishly to implement.  Managed trade agreements and allowing the Chinese to the World Trade Organization (WTO) not only gutted USA-based manufacturing, which the Chinese swallowed, but also provided the financial means for the Chinese to become a superpower and chief rival to the USA in only 28 years.

And while the USA has pursued a policy of wars for regime change in the Middle East and west central Asia, spending trillions to blow up what little the impoverished people of these regions had, the Chinese have been busy building stuff for the Third World.

By doing this, the Chinese have been making friends, securing their reputation and the reputation for communist-controlled "state capitalism." The Chinese are winning the real war — the war for minds the world over.

Meanwhile, the foolish globalization policies favored by the oligarchy-plutocracy neo-mercantilists of the USA, have yielded 9/11, where over 3,000 lost their lives, 10 trillion in debt, enmity by foreigners for the USA, a destabilized economy that suffered an eight year economic depression papered over with central banking shenanigans.

Yet, there are countless moronic apologists for the bomb the world / invite the world failed policy of Bushism. On such apologist is Eliot Cohen, who has penned a gem of stupidity for Foreign Affairs, titled America’s Long Goodbye, in which the seemingly dopey Cohen applies his weak intellect to write a back-handed ad hominem against President Trump.

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