

On December 4, 2018, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech titled
Restoring the Role of the Nation-State in the Liberal International.

In the speech, Secretary Pompeo derided the decline and corrosion what he called the post World War II "liberal order" created by the USA under the Marshall Plan — the underwriting of institutions that rebuilt Europe and Japan, that stabilized currencies, that facilitated trade and that enabled the USA and its allies to win the Cold War against Communist Soviet Union and Communist China.

Specifically, Pompeo stated:

Multilateralism has too often become viewed as an end unto itself. The more treaties we sign, the safer we supposedly are. The more bureaucrats we have, the better the job gets done. 
Was that ever really true? The central question that we face is that – is the question of whether the system as currently configured, as it exists today, and as the world exists today – does it work? Does it work for all the people of the world?

And Pompeo produces compelling evidence to support his thesis:

Today at the United Nations, peacekeeping missions drag on for decades, no closer to peace. The UN’s climate-related treaties are viewed by some nations as simply a vehicle to redistribute wealth. Anti-Israel bias has been institutionalized. Regional powers collude to vote the likes of Cuba and Venezuela onto the Human Rights Council. The UN was founded as an organization that welcomed peace-loving nations. I ask: Today, does it continue to serve its mission faithfully? 
In the Western Hemisphere, has enough been done with the Organization of American States to promote its four pillars of democracy, human rights, security, and economic development in a region that includes the likes of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua?
In Africa, does the African Union advance the mutual interest of its nation-state members? 
For the business community, from which I came, consider this: The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were chartered to help rebuild war-torn territories and promote private investment and growth. Today, these institutions often counsel countries who have mismanaged their economic affairs to impose austerity measures that inhibit growth and crowd out private sector actors. 
Here in Brussels, the European Union and its predecessors have delivered a great deal of prosperity to the entire continent. Europe is America’s single largest trading partner, and we benefit enormously from your success. But Brexit – if nothing else – was a political wake-up call. Is the EU ensuring that the interests of countries and their citizens are placed before those of bureaucrats here in Brussels?

Pompeo then goes forward to indict anti-USA countries exploiting the current globalist / Bushian New World Order:

Bad actors have exploited our lack of leadership for their own gain. This is the poisoned fruit of American retreat. President Trump is determined to reverse that. 
China’s economic development did not lead to an embrace of democracy and regional stability; it led to more political repression and regional provocations. We welcomed China into the liberal order, but never policed its behavior. 
China has routinely exploited loopholes in the World Trade Organization rules, imposed market restrictions, forced technology transfers, and stolen intellectual property. And it knows that world opinion is powerless to stop its Orwellian human rights violations. 
Iran didn’t join the community of nations after the nuclear deal was inked; it spread its newfound riches to terrorists and to dictators. 
Russia hasn’t embraced Western values of freedom and international cooperation. Rather, it has suppressed opposition voices and invaded the sovereign nations of Georgia and of Ukraine.
After which, Pompeo plainly states the policy of President Trump:

Every nation – every nation – must honestly acknowledge its responsibilities to its citizens and ask if the current international order serves the good of its people as well as it could. And if not, we must ask how we can right it.
This is what President Trump is doing. He is returning the United States to its traditional, central leadership role in the world. He sees the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.  
He knows that nothing can replace the nation-state as the guarantor of democratic freedoms and national interests. He knows, as George H.W. Bush knew, that a safer world has consistently demanded American courage on the world stage. And when we – and when we all of us ignore our responsibilities to the institutions we’ve formed, others will abuse them. 
Critics in places like Iran and China – who really are undermining the international order – are saying the Trump administration is the reason this system is breaking down. They claim America is acting unilaterally instead of multilaterally, as if every kind of multilateral action is by definition desirable. Even our European friends sometimes say we’re not acting in the world’s interest. This is just plain wrong. 
Our mission is to reassert our sovereignty, reform the liberal international order, and we want our friends to help us and to exert their sovereignty as well. We aspire to make the international order serve our citizens – not to control them. America intends to lead – now and always. 
Under President Trump, we are not abandoning international leadership or our friends in the international system.  
International bodies must help facilitate cooperation that bolsters the security and values of the free world, or they must be reformed or eliminated.
When treaties are broken, the violators must be confronted, and the treaties must be fixed or discarded. Words should mean something. 
Our administration is thus lawfully exiting or renegotiating outdated or harmful treaties, trade agreements, and other international arrangements that do not serve our sovereign interests, or the interests of our allies.

Stewart M. Patrick, a blogger for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), blew a gasket over Pompeo's speech (see: Tilting at Straw Men: Secretary Pompeo’s Ridiculous Brussels Speech). Patrick touts himself as an expert and so does the CFR. But Patrick comes across as another mindless shill.

Patrick claims:

“multilateral cooperation is often (though not always) the best way for nations to advance their interests in an interconnected world of complicated problems.”

Patrick's claim might be true if one's country is Lichtenstein, San Marino, Saint Kitts and Nevis or another country no one has heard of any is so tiny that it could be squished like a bug without notice.

Exactly what are those so-called complicated problems Patrick claims exists?

  • African overpopulation is not our problem. 
  • Chinamen polluting their land and waters beyond the point of no return is not our problem. 
  • The inability of Europeans in their respective countries to produce high enough GDP per capita owing to a lack of capitalism because of regulation and importation of no-skill working-age savages is not our problem.
  • The lack of stability and growth in Central and South American countries owing to more than a century of failed cultures is not our problem.

US citizens suffer the consequences of our misguided politicians, misguided by moronic think tanks like the Council of Foreign Relations. With the biggest economy and the strongest military, US citizens should have exactly zero problems.

The world needs to export to us, we do not need any imports. Right now, the USA is the world's top oil producer (U.S. Becomes Top Oil Producer Globally), an oil exporting nation (The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years) and has the latest, largest proven oil reserve ever found in the USA (Feds Discover Largest Oil, Natural-Gas Reserve in History.

Globalist Aristocracy vs American Republicanism

So-called and self-deluded experts like Patrick simply do not understand the USA. The founders designed the USA such that each citizen has a co-equal share of sovereignty in the USA. Regardless of how rich someone is, he does not have a greater share of sovereignty. The USA was founded and designed upon anti-aristocracy principles.

But guys like Patrick believe the USA exists as a vehicle for an aristocracy.

Colonial American Republicanism — maximal liberty, unalienable individual rights, each individual having a co-equal share of sovereignty, civic duty, rejection of monarchy, aristocracy, inherited political power, damnation of corruption — is how we started. Its basis is Whiggism liberalism / Anglo-Puritan Protestantism.

What globalists like Patrick push is aristocracy. There is no way for the USA to be interconnected with foreign sovereigns unless the USA destroys part of the fractional sovereignty of each US citizen. The Founders did not design the USA (second Constitution) for this purpose. Patrick and his cronies need to fight us in a second civil war and become victorious for them properly to impose their scheme upon us.

Patrick and his cronies at the CFR promote what the founders would recognize as Europeanism:

  • the citizen is subordinate to the state
  • an aristocracy / caste system
  • a continent divided into many contending nationalities (created by massive immigration)
  • endless entangling alliances 
In short, Patrick and his ilk are disloyal to the USA. They are the enemy within, literally.

Our founders created for us Americanism:

  • the state is the creature of the citizen
  • union of peoples; promotion of national allegiance; one tongue in loyalty to one nation and one flag
  • no aristocracy promotion of a classless casteless republic; self-determination of the individual
  • avoidance of entangled alliances
  • defense of the American Constitution against the foes from within who would destroy it either in mass or piecemeal
  • defense against foreign enemies
  • defense against proposed world government; 
  • preservation of the American standard of life for the masses through American industry and agriculture on the basis of superiority to the standards
  • protection, development and promotion of American industries and American resources 

We Do Not Need to Be Part of a Bushian Globalist "Interconnected World"

With a decree, US politicians could collapse economies and thus whole countries overnight without firing a shot merely by banning all imports from such countries.

Exports only enrich a few US citizens and affect the employment of a small portion of US residents. Exports have almost no effect on the USA economy.

During the all-time era of peak prosperity in the USA, the most prosperous time in US history between 1954 and 1970, exports were but 6% of GDP. Today, exports are 12% of GDP or double, and the economy was in depression for nine years between 2008 and 2016.

If the USA stopped all trade tomorrow, US citizens would not lose. We have 325.7 million. We have oil, natural gas and coal. We have the most productive farm land amidst the greatest network of rivers on earth. The greatest trading partners of the USA are ourselves.

Americans do not need to export to be rich. We do not have a backward country with resources but no credit system, no stock exchanges and no futures markets.

The bulk of those employed in export-oriented industry quickly could find themselves work in domestic industry. Only those who take the lion's share of profit from exports would suffer.

All of the "free trade" deals done under Clinton and Bush Jr are big lies. Those have been managed trade deals done to help exporters without any consideration for the knock-on effects, which affect US citizens. In effect, such trade deals have diminished the property (right of ownership) of US citizens without compensation given by exporters.

All of the so-called free trade deals should be scrapped including the recently negotiated USMCA. Instead, here is how it should be done:


While I am not suggesting having a no-export posture, there simply is not a compelling reason for US policy to be crafted to focus on exports at the expense of the larger economy. There is no compelling reason to impoverish many Americans so eggheads can make an "interconnected world."

Their Bushian New World Order has not made Americans safter. 9/11 happened eleven years into the growing existence of the Bushian New World Order. The Middle East is a mess today far worse than it has ever been. Iraq, Syria and Yemen reveal such truth.

The US has a free trade agreement with Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua as well as Costa Rica, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic known as CAFTA-DR. Our trade agreement with Mexico, NAFTA has been in force for 24 years. Neither NAFTA nor CAFTA-DR has stopped the flood, nay the deluge of illegal immigration from these countries.

US government propagandists claim "the CAFTA-DR promotes stronger trade and investment ties, prosperity, and stability throughout the region and along our Southern border."

Stability? Are they kidding? There are about 22.8 million illegals living in the USA, almost all from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua. The facts reveal either stupidity of the Bushian New World Order globalists or their true agenda — a global aristocracy and a gutting of the co-equal sovereignty of every US citizen.

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