Sometimes, lightning strikes when you least expect it. While working on a quickie story about how the folks at Forbes Magazine do a puzzling job at ranking NHL hockey franchises by their estimates of valuation, I hit upon something regarding stock prices.

The method involves normalizing the public valuation of each firm, that is, its market capitalization, against an average a public valuation of revenue metric for all firms of the DJIA after tossing out the high and low figures for that metric.
At this time, I remind you read the disclaimer notice of the True Dollar Journal. The table below is not published buy or sell financial advice. It reflects the work of learned opinion.
As you should see from the table, the big steals would be Goldman Sachs, Verizon and The Travelers. The big albatrosses are Chevron, Boeing, and Visa.
The table takes live data so the preceding paragraph will not hold true after the date of the publication of this work.
All income is the same regardless of whether one sells avionics or sneakers. Thus, those speculating on stocks should be indifferent to industries.