


Most will fail to see this truth, but President Trump gained power, bigly yuge last night in spite of the endless claims to the contrary posited by the establishment's media.

Along with the President, independent-minded Republicans in the Senate, senators like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, also gained power.

Even though Republicans lost a seat last night, Republicans in total have 51 seats. After the swearing in of senator-elect Jones, in the U.S. Senate, the Republicans will hold a 51-47 majority with two so-called independents siding with the Democrats.

Of the election itself, the President said, “A lot of Republicans feel differently, they’re very happy about the way it turned out, but as the leader of the party, I  would have liked to have this seat.” Notice how the President failed to say that he would have liked to have Roy Moore.

The Democrats and the establishment's media will crow that Doug Jones and the Democrats won. Likely, they will claim this is a turning point in their push to unseat President Trump and their push to re-take Congress.

Swamp Republicans Lose, Tea Party Senators Gain, the President Gains

The Swamp Republicans lost last night. Moore's loss is a Swamp GOP loss in effect  because the swampy GOP lost a seat. Thus, swamp Republican senators have lost power. 

Since some Republican senators, notably Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, often vote contrary to the Swamp Republicans, the Swamp GOP now must concede to the Tea Party senators and the President to get some of what they desire. The GOPhers can only have one defecting senator for each bill vote. Bills will need to reflect more of the demands of Tea Party senators.

McConnell lost power last night. As the leader of the the Swamp GOP, McConnell will need to compromise even more with Tea Party senators and with the President. McConnell no longer gets to set the agenda as the President can tell McConnell what he is willing to sign ahead of time and what he will veto. The agenda swings to President Trump if the Swamp GOP desires anything.

The power holders have become the independent-minded Republican senators, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, perhaps a few more, and the President, who can veto or compromise with the Democrats on a slew of issues the Dems would like to see come to the floor for votes.

It would surprise if the President does not know this already. Likely, he will leverage this to his advantage.

Roy Moore, the Kryptonite the Democrats Destroyed 

In beating Roy Moore, the Democrats destroyed kryptonite they could have wielded against President Trump between now and 2020. Moore as senator would have made it all too easy to attack the President in the lead up to 2020. Had Moore won, the next play by the treacherous establishment's media would have been endless association between Roy "teen predator" Moore  and President Trump as sexual predators.

The media minions would have published story after story relentlessly tying teen-stalking Moore with President Trump and the "grab 'em" recording from years ago, which recorded private citizen Trump making locker room comments about power hungry females who stalk celebrities and who become eagerly willing to trade sex for association with powerful men.

Harping about sexual predators would have been endless and relentless in the age of #MeToo and Merriam-Webster's word-of-the-year feminism.

So in perspective, the establishment's media, which is anti-Trump, anti-Bill of Rights and pro-globalist, helped the President tremendously by ending Moore's career.

President Trump Wins Bigly Yuge

Not only will Moore not become kryptonite to the President, but also the stature of President has risen. President Trump backed Luther Strange and not Roy Moore. Voters know this. President Trump revealed himself to be savvy and wise about which candidate would be best for voters and Americans.

Did the Democrats Win Anything?

Sure, the Democrats gained a seat in the U.S. Senate. Yet, it matters little that Democrats gained a seat as they are the minority party. Even with a unity vote, the Democrats can not block any bill the Republicans could pass with their unity vote. Unified, the Republicans can pass legislation (51 to 49).

So having 47 seats with Jones and two "independents" who vote with the Democrats fails to change the complexion of the Senate. A unified GOPher party still has 52 senate votes, 51 senators and President of the senate, the Veep.

During this ugly campaign against Moore, the Democrats continued to expose themselves as the grievance party willing to use unsavory tactics as well as the party that stands against American conventionality while continuing to push for unfettered murder of unborn babies.

More so, if the Dems fail to be seen as compromising with a willing President Trump, that weakens their stature. Since the President sits in the driver's seat regarding what is the agenda, the President alone decides upon what the Democrats will be allowed to compromise. In short, the Democrats failed to win anything.

Jones' Senate Career Likely Is Over in 2020

Doug Jones faces a re-election campaign in 2020. Campaigning for the seat will begin merely weeks from now, early next year, 2018.

It seems unlikely that Jones wins re-election in deep Christian Alabama in light of his support for murdering of unborn babies days away from birth.

That Jones faces re-election in 2020 likely figured in the voting calculus of Alabamans. It should be noted that Jones failed to even get 50% of the vote. Alabamans simply do not like Jones. They like Jones about as much as they like Moore, a guy who lost by a mere one-and-a-half percent of the vote.

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