


Back March 15, 2009, when asked point blank dopey one-time central banker Ben Bernanke told a CBS 60 Minutes #FakeNews reporter these points: 1) the recession would end in 2009; 2) the economy would return to growth in 2010. Bernanke even agreed with the #FakeNews reporter that he saw "greenshoots."

Of course none of that ever happened. The economy is years from recovering all-time high GDP.

That said, there are at last signs that show the economy is nearing normalcy. The Prime Age to Cars and Truck Sales ratio shows the markets for cars and trucks has approached normalcy.

But first, you can see the interactive, always updated versions of these chart screenshots by clicking on the menus above.

And inventory to sales for wholesalers looks good.

Residential reality reveals that we're still away from from normalcy.

And lastly, labor markets seem restored.

Yet, we are a long way away from a robust economy that pulls ever more Americans into working.

And True GDP is way down from the peak.

It looks like Americans are awakening from the Obama nightmare and looking toward good times.

You can watch dopey Ben Bernanke blather away about the economy from the March 15, 2009 interview:

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