Today, during the hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) stated that Gorsuch is “a president who lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.”
Like so many dopes, Leahy trots out the bogus national popular vote argument. There isn't a national popular vote.
In reality, President Trump won the required popular vote. President Trump was so popular in most states that he won the presidency. President Trump was most popular in 30 states of 50 states.
President Trump was not popular in only a handful of states, the immigrant states of Hawaii, California, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, as well as Vermont.
Though President Trump didn't carry these states, his popularity was nearly as close as Clinton's: New Hampshire (46.5% vs 46.8%), Minnesota (46.5% vs 47.2%), Nevada (45.5% vs 47.9%), Maine (44.9% vs 47.8%), Virginia (46.2% vs 49.8%), Colorado (43.3% vs 48.2%).
President Trump was fairly popular in New Mexico (40% vs 48.3%) relative to Clinton, a state where 9% of voters voted for the right-wing libertarian candidate, Gary "What's Aleppo?" Johnson.
Even in a state like New York, President Trump was not popular only in the the bigger city counties: Erie (Buffalo), Monroe (Rochester), Onondaga (Syracuse), Albany (Albany), Schenectady (Schenectady), Columbia (Kingston); the New York City counties of Bronx, New York (Manhattan), Kings (Brooklyn), Queens; the immigrant counties around NYC: Nassau, Westchester, Rockland; the hippy county of Ulster and the lower tier Appalachia county of Tompkins.
President Trump managed to carry 45 counties of New York including the heavily populated Richmond (Staten Island) and the rich county of Suffolk on Long Island.
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