


Years of Oprah-zation has caused everyone to lose meaning of every word of English.

Here is a video of a girl claiming that everything which offends her constitutes her being raped.

While rape is a serious crime, perhaps one worthy of a lifetime in prison if convicted of such crime, the hyperbole over rape stirred up by pseudo-scientific academicians of women's studies programs in American universities and spread wider by social justice warrior-ettes  has so eroded the meaning of rape.

Meanwhile, back on March 7, 2013, workers at the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the Department of Justice revealed reality. Rape rarely happens to Americans.

From 1995 to 2005, sexual violence against U.S. female residents age 12 or older declined 64 percent from 5.0 per 1,000 females to 1.8, and remained unchanged through 2010 (Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010). In 2010, American females age 12 or older experienced 270,000 incidence of sexual violence.

Sexual violence includes both rape —  forced sexual intercourse with penetration — attempted rape, and sexual assaults — fondling.  Attempted rape includes when someone merely shouts out "I'm going to rape you." Sexual assaults includes when someone merely shouts out "I going to grab your hot arse."

To put it into perspective, in 2010, if no American female reported more than one incident, two one-thousandths of one percent (0.00170624878) of the American female population would have experienced sexual violence, which includes verbal expression without any physical contact.

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