“We’re committed to doing the 100 percent right thing, and the best way to do that is to take all of our products off the market until we can be confident that they are all safe ... We are heartbroken about this situation and apologize to all of our loyal Blue Bell fans and customers. Our entire history has been about making the very best and highest quality ice cream and we intend to fix this problem.
“At every step, we have made decisions in the best interest of our customers based on the evidence we had available at the time...At this point, we cannot say with certainty how Listeria was introduced to our facilities and so we have taken this unprecedented step. We continue to work with our team of experts to eliminate this problem.” ~ Paul Kruse, CEO, Blue Bell Creameries
If the execs at Blue Bell Creameries were "committed to doing the 100 percent right thing" and the entire history of Blue Bell Creameries "has been about making the very best and highest quality ice cream," never would they have produced listeria-laden ice cream that now has been implicated in the murder of three living in Kansas.
Not to be stymied by his public display of stupidity, Kruse needed to double-down with the equally idiotic claim that "at every step, we have made decisions in the best interest of our customers."
The right move by the owners of Blue Bell Creameries is to shutter the business and sell off the plant and equipment, destroying any production equipment.
Perhaps it's time for guys like Kruse to face criminal manslaughter charges if he knew about listeria contamination while OKing the sale of products which had the potential to murder someone.
In the meantime guys like Kruse will continue to bet that Americans are so stupid they will buy any rhetoric and continue to buy products.