


“We need to start listening to the science, and treat this crisis with the importance it deserves." ~ Greta Thunberg, daft teenager, guest speaker of adults at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 2020

Greta commits two fallacies in one sentence:

  1. appeal to authority (we must listen to science)
  2. petitio principii (treat this crisis)

Greta's Appeal to Authority Fallacy

Brushing aside that no one can listen to science as science is an abstraction, which means recorded knowing, and that only men can say things, Greta has committed the fallacy of appeal to authority. Fearfully, she has masked what she means: 

We need to listen to academicians.

But why? Why do people need to listen to academicians. Men of the Synagogue of Academia have a horrible track record.

Academics are wrong, consistently, about most things. Most major science was discovered and written by the 1800s. Very little has been offered up since. Notable exceptions are Watson and Crick (DNA), Einstein (relativity), and a few others.

Greta's Petitio Principii (aka Begging the Question) Fallacy

There is not any crisis. For people to claim there is, first they must prove there is a crisis. 

There has not been any global warming outside of the rather narrow band in which heat and thus temperatures waver of the earth for the last 12,000 years.

Every academician who claims there is man-made global warming is wrong and his or her claims are pseudo-science foolery.

Screenshot #1 is a production of data science. The data and graphs were made by others. The analysis is produced by me, a data scientist. 

Here is a blow up of the lower graph:

Someone else produced the following graph, which is kind of a zoomed view of the far right of the lower graph of the first graphs from above.

You do not need to know atmospheric science, solar physics or planetary physics to know that claims of man-made global warming are oh-so wrong, if you can read a graph. 

There has been no global warming outside of normal variation that falls well within norms of the last 12,000 years. 

The earth's heat as measured by temp varies ± 6 ℃ between upper and lower boundaries against a baseline derived from a 1960 to 1990 average for temperatures. Said another way, the earth's heat varies ± 3 ℃ from a 1960 to 1990 average for temperatures.

Mankind has Lucked Out with the Conditions of the Last 12,000 Years

For those who can read graphs, this should be obvious: Mankind has been quite lucky. For most of the earth's time by which temperature can be estimated, the earth has engaged cooling more than it has warming. The earth had been so cold even a few hundred thousand years ago that few of mankind existed.

Yet, during the last 12,000 years, a period of great heat stability, mankind has been able to flourish. No doubt, starting from a base of few of mankind 12,000 years ago, the steady, warm-enough conditions led to surpluses of food. Likely, that led to organization so that by 6,000 years ago, mankind could have enough time to devise writing systems and thus begin to produce history, i.e., written records.

It has been only during the last few hundred years that mankind, given enough freed up time owing to a steady-state of heat, has devised risk mitigation strategies, which has let the numbers of mankind grow exponentially. Without futures markets and credit, the free time to produce scientific agriculture and scientific medicine, mankind simply could not have grown as it has.

Had not Anglo-Saxon men been afforded the luxury of time to produce modern civilization (limited government, representation, individual property, i.e., right of ownership), perhaps modern sciences, modern mathematics and modern engineering, mostly produced by these same men, would not have arisen and thus, the poorer, weaker races the earth over would not have bred as they have in such areas as China, India and Africa.

Stop the Lying, Misanthropes

Misanthropic lying must come to an end. Mankind is not causal for heat on an earthwide scale. People need to stop lying about man-made global warming. It does not exist. It never has.

Seriously, in 2020, stop listening to lying academicians, greenies, performance puppets like Greta, the dopey CEO of the Roman Catholic Church, self-stylized "Pope Francis" and a cast of thousands of deceivers and their panicked, believing morons. 

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